22 September, 2007

Activities That Show Relevance/Connection to Student Learning.

Getting to know you/Family Ties: We had a month long Social Studies unit about getting to know you. Each student was assigned to go home and ask their parents about their family history. They had to know their parents first names, grandparents name, brothers and sisters names. In addition, they were also asked to find out about their religions and believe. Just to help them understand and learned about who they really are.

I am Special: We had a one week unit again on social studies. It is the continuation of our one month unit/Getting to know you. Each student was given a task to work on how to they feel about themselves. This unit is to help them know that they are all special and therefore, they should treat others and each individual sweetheart and honey to show how special they really are. They have to learn not to hurt anyone’s fellings but try to make everybody happy and smiling each day.

Silly Business: We had this one week long social studies, and literacy unit about silly business. The students had to listen to stories about silly business, and after listening to those stories they have to create their own story of anything that they like or wish to do. Each student tried to come up with something impossible to do and do become. So some comes up with something like being a life saver, superman, spider man, super woman, etc. It was fun to see the kids wild imagination.

My five Senses: This is a one week long science and language arts unit about the five senses. Students were given a task to go home and bring something that they would want to present to the class that speaks about the five senses. This homework was not successful because the kids forgot about it. However, I came up with an alternative activity to do. I provided some things that the kids could smell, touch, see, listen to, and taste it. Fun thing was the activity that call "guess who was that." The kids were having fun!

21 September, 2007

Technology Activities

PowerPoint Presentations – My Five Senses: Seeing, Smelling, Tasting, Hearing, and Touching.

Jeopardy – Alphabets Jeopardy, Numbers Jeopardy, Shapes Jeopardy, Colors Jeopardy, Months Jeopardy, and Words I know Jeopardy.

Television – We watch TV to watch videos on Animals, and stories on Silly Business, animals families.

Radio/Stereo System – We listen to music and have our students dance or sing along during warm up time, while they work, and when they learned about the alphabets, numbers, shapes, and colors.

Computer Game – We used computer game to reinforce learning. They play my alphabets, my numbers, my colors, and my shapes.