29 November, 2007

Professional Growth


Professional Growth

Assessment Tools

1. Rubrics - are scoring guides used to evaluate the quality of student's written and oral work.
2. Teacher Made Tests/Quizzes - written or oral assessments that are not commercially produced or standardized. In other words, a test a teacher designs specifically for his or her students.
3. Portfolios - a collection of student work gathered for a particular purpose that exhibits to the student and others the student's efforts, progress or achievement in one or more areas.
4. Performance Tasks - encompass many skills and usally have direct application to real tasks people are asked to do in everyday life.
5. Self-Assessments/Evaluation - used to help individuals and groups process and reflect on their individual work or their group work.
6. Oral Testing - use to help the students who can only express themselves orally.

Behavior Management Strategies

1. Privilege Stickers
* Students get a sticker for the day when they perform in the classroom as a peace builder. They receive the sticker, get a hug and a affirmating praise.
2. Bell System (ring the bell): When the teachers ring the bell the students must put their pencils down.
3. Clabbing: When the students are not listening anymore the teachers do the clabbing from one to five times. The students will get back to their group and pay attention to the teachers.
4. Peace cover the mouth: Teacher say one, two three peace. Then the students would put their two fingers on the mouth get back to tasks.
5. High Five: Teachers give students high five whenever the student is not paying close attention anymore.
6. Give a dollar: Sometimes we give the student the dollar before we begin the lesson. When the student have the dollar in their hands they know that they have to be good.

23 November, 2007

Koblerville Elementary School

School Mascot: Umang
Location: Koblerville, Saipan, CNMI

22 November, 2007

Kindergarten Teachers-The Best of the Best

I am very proud to let you know that in the kindergarten classroom we are three teachers. Ms.Adela Kapileo, my beautiful & wonderful master teacher, Mr. Kevin Adachi the good heart & a hard working teacher Aid, & Ms. Cisca Mein the owner of this blog & a student teacher up at KES. We are three & we all came from three different cultures/background. Though different we may be yet we blend wonderfully and build a wonderful relationship as brother and sisters. Cisca. I hope you will enjoy my blog and thank you for visiting.