12 October, 2007

Lessons, Activities, & School Activities That Demonstrate Value & Diversity

1. Flag Ceremony-Kindergartens learned to be part of the school community, they learned that when they flag is raise they have to put their right hand on their chest and not to talk anymore. They have to stand up straight and don't move anymore. And they have to sing the American, Chamorrow and Carolinians Anthems.

2. Peace Builder of the Month: This is an excellent activity in the school to enhance and reinforce positive behaviors for the students. They learned to be responsible and be an active member of the community by showing good behaviors, manners and showing good examples in the classroom. They learned that to be a peace builder of the month they have to do their works in class/home, to always clean up after they use a particulure thing or place, return things to its proper place after using it, not to hurt someone but make friends, come on time to school, and follow the simple rules of the classroom.
Sharon and Erica peacebuilder of September-they received their certificate by Mr. E the principle.

Erica received her certificate from Mr. E the principle of KES. Good Job Babe!

Sharon happily shaked hand with Mr. E after receiving her certificate of the month. Continue be a peace builder and show good example to your friends/classmates.

Jaime & Rishialyn peacebuilder of August. Shown in the picture is Jaime standing with the other chosen one from the upper grades. Jaime is holding her certificate that was given by Mr. E. Not shown in the picture is Risha. Congratulations Guys!

Here in this picture Mr. Richson and Mr. Diego Peace Builder of the Month of October. Yes, you did it. Good Job boys!

3. Manamkos-Visit the Kindergarten Class: They were not only visiting the kids but they were also teaching them about their cultures. They talked about the important to be a good listener during young age. They told the kids that when they were young they never gone to school but learned how to help dad fishing/farming and how to learned/helped mom how to clean and cook. Then they demonstrated some old songs in their own language. The best of all they taught the kids the right way of singing the Chamorrow and Carolinians Anthems. Some words were very different than what I know today. The kids were having fun learning the songs. But the best of all is that the manamkos were encouraging the kids to study hard, work hard, listen to teacher, and listen to mom and dad too.

4. Cultural Day: On the cultural day the students were able to learn and appreciate the important of their own culture as well as their classmates cultures. They were able to see the different costumes, dances, songs, and food of the different cultures group.

After learning from Mom now I can do it by myself. These kids are enjoying themselves making thier own bracelets from beats.

I am just having fun and I am proud of myself I can do it.

It is not difficult anymore, it is just a matter of counting the beats, and poking the fishing line in the right hole.

Another parent is teaching the kids how to make beats. Here we go make sure you poke it in the right hole and don't forget count how many beats you need. It is better to use different colors so that it will look nicer than only using one color.

A parent taught the kids how to weave a basket. Looking upon are the kindergartens with some fourth graders. They were able to learned that out of a coconut palm we can make a simple basket. This man was telling the children that long time ago people were using baskets as plates to eat, basket to keep things, and for baby to carry them around.

One of the parents teaching the kids on how to make bracelet. On the cultural day many parents voluntarily came over to teach the students so many kinds of Chamorrow and Refenuwach native things. On this day I found the kids engaged in learning. They were even asking some amazing questions about what they were learning. Amazingly, the kids were able to learn how many flowers and leafs do they need to be able to complete a bracelet. They were even able to learn how to hold the ring to make, how to start and how to tie it.

As you can see in this pictures some of the kindergarten girls were able to fixed their bracelet on their own. They are enjoying themselves...I am very proud of them.

5. JAPANESE STUDENTS VISIT FROM JAPAN: Here in this picture you can see the final work of the kindergarten with the Japanese students when they came to our classroom. The Japanese students were not only visiting but they were also teaching the kindergartens one of the important culture in Japan-the making of Origami.

6. Halloween: Most adults have fond memories of childhood trick-or-treating and dressing up as a princess or super hero. So many traditions, myths, and unfounded rumors have develope. The kids are learning different culture and practice in the world today. Here in this pictures the kids are having fun going door to door trick-or-treating in their beautiful and unique costumes. My kindergartens with Ms. Martha Mendiola's.

Cisca posted with her students on halloween day after coming back from trick-or-treating and before going home today. The kids were able to learn to say TRICK-OR-TREATING, HAPPY HALLOWEEN, THANK YOU, AND WE HOPE TO SEE YOU AGAIN NEXT YEAR. They were even able to tell about their costumes whenever the teacher asked them.

They are already very excited knowing that in about 10 minutes they were going to go trick-or-treating.

We are the three powerful spidermen. Don't worry we don't bite.

They are watching a show while waiting for the time to go around campus trick-or-treating.

Students learned a brief history of thanksgiving. Why,what, and how to we celebrate thanksgiving. It is a time to give thanks for what we have in our life. It is a time to eat turkey, pumpkins, many more good food. For the kindergartens it is a time to have fun with classmates, parents, teachers, as well as friends.